What is happening to the Flex personal-use insurance policy? - Drive with Flex

Flex discontinued offering commercial fleet insurance coverage to personal use insurance customers on October 1st, 2020 at 12:01 A.M.

While we worked hard to have the ability to offer insurance coverage to you through the Flex app, doing so is no longer sustainable. Therefore, Flex’s current commercial fleet auto insurance policies terminates as of 12:01 A.M. Pacific time on October 1st, 2020, and is no longer active.


Why was my insurance not renewed?

Flex was able to offer coverage to its customers under a commercial fleet auto insurance policy, underwritten by a third-party insurance carrier. The policy expired on 12:01 a.m. on October 1, 2020, and we were unable to renew the policy on terms that made economic sense for our customers. This is not a reflection of your payment history with Flex, your personal driving record, or your ability to be insured through a private insurance agency.


What should I do?

Please either: Acquire your own third-party insurance policy that provides coverage as required by your Flex Agreement and provide us with proof of your new insurance policy and current mileage; or Schedule the return of your vehicle through the Flex app*. *You will need to provide Flex with at least 5 days’ notice to pick up your vehicle and discontinue your Flex subscription. However, it is recommended that you initiate your return in the Flex app with at least two weeks’ notice to indicate your future available pick up times prior to the policy termination date (10/01/20) to avoid a potential lapse in insurance coverage. If you drive or are in the possession of the Flex vehicle without proper insurance you may be personally liable for any damage to the vehicle (up to the value of the vehicle) or injuries/damages to third parties and you will be in breach of your Flex Agreement.


How do I provide proof of insurance to Flex?

To verify your new third-party insurance policy and current mileage, follow these steps: Open The Flex App Select Insurance and Documents within the Manage Car page Select Edit next to Insurance Info Fill in and submit your new insurance policy information


Will I still be able to drive without insurance?

If you drive or are in the possession of the Flex vehicle without proper insurance, you are in breach of your vehicle agreement with Flex and may be personally liable for any damage to the vehicle (up to the value of the vehicle) or injuries/damages to third parties should you be involved in a collision. If you plan on returning your vehicle, please indicate your available vehicle pick-up times at least 2 weeks in advance to be scheduled prior to the policy termination date (10/01/20) to avoid a lapse in coverage. You are responsible for any damage to the vehicle (up to the value of the vehicle), even if the vehicle is in a parked location.  


What does this mean for my monthly payments?

Your monthly payment will decrease by the amount of your current Flex Insurance Policy Premium beginning on October 1, 2020. If you obtained third party insurance prior to October 1, 2020, your monthly payment will decrease once Flex has verified your new policy.


How can I get other insurance for myself?

Check online for companies that offer private automobile insurance coverage for leased vehicles, or you can reach out to your local insurance agent.


How much will insurance cost me?

We cannot estimate how much third-party insurance companies will charge you for this type of insurance coverage. Please contact third-party insurance providers for insurance policy and premium details.


What coverage do I need to get?

Per your Flex Agreement, you are required to maintain, at a minimum, the following coverage on your Flex vehicle: Bodily injury liability insurance with at least the minimum limits as required by law Property damage liability insurance of at least the minimum coverage required by law Collision and Comprehensive for the Flex Vehicle’s full value (maximum deductible of $1,000) Any other type of coverage, such as uninsured motorist coverage, as required by law.


What if I can’t get third-party insurance?

If you are unable to secure third-party insurance, please return your Flex car by going to the My Car page in the Flex app prior to policy expiration at 12:01 a.m. on October 1st, 2020. If you drive or are in possession of the Flex vehicle without proper insurance you will be in breach of your vehicle agreement with Flex and may be personally liable for any damage to the vehicle (up to the value of the vehicle) or injuries/damages to third parties should you be involved in a collision. If you plan on returning your vehicle, please indicate your available vehicle pick-up times at least 2 weeks in advance to be scheduled prior to the policy termination date (10/01/20) to avoid a lapse in coverage. You are responsible for any damage to the vehicle (up to the value of the vehicle), even if the vehicle is in a parked location.